Artists at the Centre

Documentation prepared by educators, artists, and sometimes by parents, is more than a record of what has been done and said. It is a way of making everyone's thinking visible.
It is a perspective on – an interpretation of – the meaning of children’s relationships with the world, offered out so as to invite other perspectives. It is displayed, revisited, and reflected upon by children and adults on an ongoing basis. This keeps the emotional engagement alive and promotes metacognition as both children and adults think about their own questions, theories, and certainties.


Documenting involves taking photos, videotaping, audiotaping, transcribing conversations, and sometimes collecting children's children's art work.


These records are not in and of themselves documentation though. That requires the process of interpretation, preferably with others.   The Reggio approach has been described as a pedagogy of listening. Documentation helps educators to listen in order to teach. It allows us the privilege of witnessing the construction of knowledge.

The following examples of documentation are invitations to think with us about a view of learning and teaching, and to celebrate the power of thoughtful collaboration between children and adults.

Cathedral Inception
Cathedral Pews
Cathedral Lighting
Cathedral Lighting 2

Around a Tiger

Shape of a Song


Devising a Method for Sharing Meat Pie

Concealing and Revealing with Transparency

Drawing A Crescendo

Pirate Ship
Pirate Ship - Pushing Back
Empathy for Pirates

Research in Action:
Developing Theories



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One community's exploration of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education.